What is Fiber Internet?

Fiber-optic internet, also referred to as fiber internet or simply “fiber,” is a broadband internet connection featuring internet speeds of up to 940 Megabits per second (Mbps) and with low lag (latency) time. Utilizing fiber-optic cable, fiber-optic internet can transmit internet signals and data through a fiber-optic network at internet speeds that nearly match the speed of light. In addition, fiber-optic cables are not as susceptible to severe weather conditions as other types of traditional copper cables, which helps minimize outages. It also resists electrical interference effectively.
Why Fiber-Optic Internet is Much Faster (and Better) Than Cable Internet.
When looking at your best options for internet plans and internet access, fiber-optic connections provide fast speeds and unmatched fiber service that cable internet and satellite internet just can’t match. Why? Well for starters: fiber-optic uses strands of glass and glass fibers (that are about the size of human hair) to provide you with home internet that:
Transmits light signals through fiber-optic glass, nearly at the speed of light
Will give you much faster symmetrical download speeds and upload speeds than cable internet, that can handle even large files with ease
Is superior to antiquated cable connections that use slower electrical signals
Gives you seamless online gaming and video chatting with friends and family
Can download a 2-hour HD movie in seconds, compared to waiting 30 minutes or more over a 20 Mbps traditional internet service
The end result? A faster fiber-optic internet home network for you that offers fast data transmission and reliable internet.
HyperFiber® is Focused on Future-Proof Fiber-Optic Internet Service.
Delivering a better and more reliable internet and high-speed internet experience begins by constructing a future-proof fiber optic network with optical fiber that delivers the fastest speeds and most reliable service. Internet is all we do and you will benefit from our singular (and relentless) focus. Rather than outdated coaxial cables, copper cables, and copper wire, we use fiber-optic technology to deliver faster upload speeds and download speeds the best internet experience through a high-performance fiber-optic network that other internet service providers like cable internet , DSL internet companies, and other internet service providers (ISPs) and telecoms like AT&T and Verizon, can’t keep up with.

Get a GIG for Life!
Select the GIG plan and your pricing will never change as long as you are a HyperFiber® customer! We promise. HyperFiber® enhances all areas of your life, from gaming and streaming, to work-from-home and educational opportunities. It’s all the future-proof speed and reliability you need to connect with the content you love combined with the peace of mind that your price will never change.